Samsung has launched a new addition to its Galaxy Tab range in India. Called Galaxy Tab 2 310, the seven-inch tablet runs on Android 4.0 or Ice Cream Sandwich. Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 310 is priced at Rs 23,250.
Unveiled at Mobile World Congress earlier this year, Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 310 weighs 345gm, measures 193.7 x 122.4 x 10.5mm and runs on 1GHz dual core processor. It has 1GB RAM and 16GB internal memory which is expandable upto 32GB. The 7-inch PLS display has 1024 x 600p resolution.
The tablet sports a 3MP rear camera and a VGA front camera. On connectivity front it supports, 3G, Wi-Fi and HSPA. The device has 4000mAh unremovable battery.
Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 is sixth Android tablet from the company to be launched in India. The other five Samsung tablets launched in India are Galaxy Tab, Galaxy Tab 750, 730, 680 and 620.