Following its newly launched Pulse series smartphones, HMD has now launched a trio of new 4G feature phones with the Nokia 215 4G, 225 4G, and 235 4G. The three devices share similar specs including the Unisoc T107 chipset and S30+ operating system.
Nokia 215 4G, 225 4G and 235 4G
Nokia 215 4G and 235 4G feature 2.8-inch IPS LCDs with QVGA resolution while the 225 4G gets a slightly smaller 2.4-inch LCD. 215 4G does not get a camera, 225 4G gets a VGA camera on the back while 235 4G features a 2MP main cam. The rest of the spec sheets include removable 1,450 mAh batteries, FM…
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