Opera Mini 5 Beta Now Available For Android
Sure, Opera Mini may (or may not) already be the most popular mobile browser in the world — but why…
Lucid Imagination Raises $10 Million For Apache Search Technology
Lucid Imagination, the startup that commercially distributes the open source Apache Lucene and Apache Solr search technology, has raised $10…
Yazzem Launches Version 2; Improves Latest Activity Among Users
Yazzem, the simple topic creator for Twitter or FriendFeed, has launched version 2 of their online service. Yazzem allows you…
Builds Of Chrome Get Updated To Show Off Their Snow Leopard Spots
As most Mac users have undoubtedly read over the past few days, there are some pieces of software that are…
TwitterSense. It’s Coming.
At this very moment, at this very villa in the Israeli city of Hertzeliya Pituach, the final preparations are being…
You Can’t Kill The Mindex. iMindi Is Back.
It got skewered at last year’s TechCrunch50. Then when it finally launched in private beta, it “accidentally deleted” all of…
Office.com Goes Live
Microsoft recently became the new, proud owner of the attractive generic domain name Office.com after purchasing it from a U.S.…
Yahoo Got Binged
Today, Yahoo died as a search engine. If the deal with Microsoft is approved, what will replace it will be…